

Pippa Middleton goes global

As you might expect, it’s an extremely hard-hitting, exposé-style portrait worthy of “60 Minutes” ... just kidding! It actually appears to a guilty pleasure-worthy bit of broadcast fluff that will be savored by most royal watchers as well as anyone who thought the maid of honor upstaged the bride during the recent wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton.
As for the title, “Crazy About Pippa,” the show was almost titled “Everybody Loves Pippa” or “That Girl! ... Who is Related to a Duchess,” but unfortunately both names bumped with TLC’s legal department. (And once again — just kidding.)
Watch a promo for the show below, then hit the jump to watch a pair of clips, one that focuses on how Pippa Middleton captivated the public on her sister’s wedding day and another on a $5 million offer she received post-wedding to appear in an adult film. (That film, naturally, never came to pass. But if it had, I suspect it would not have been called “Crazy About Pippa.”)

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