International Law Library - is a public, specialized library on the right.
International Law Library - This unique collection of books, periodicals, brochures and other printed sources for domestic and foreign law in English, Russian and German.
International Law Library - access to legal electronic information resources.
The principles of the activities of the library are:
completeness and accuracy of information
service efficiency
the use of advanced information technologies
International Law Library - is not just a repository of printed and electronic sources, this information center, which is using a set of library and information services can more fully and promptly comply with requests from users on legal subjects.
The activity of the library is primarily aimed at:
promoting the legal culture of society
wide access legal information
promoting the professional level of specialists in the field of law
The library fund is organized on the principle of public access in accordance with the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). Presented in full section P4.
Periodicals are arranged chronologically within each year alphabetically.
The total fund has about 3000 items: books, periodicals, brochures, CD, DVD-ROM.
There is no card catalog in the library system. It uses an electronic catalog (APM system IRBIS "reader"), which is searched using keywords, subject headings, UDC notations, by date, title, etc.
To fulfill information requests of readers in the library using different sources of information. As the traditional, such as encyclopedias, specialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, monographs, academic publications, etc., and electronic legal reference system, the legal resources of the Internet.
For efficient and complete search of legal information on the Internet, at the library, a database of addresses of the servers that contain legal information around the world and on various branches of law.
Fund reference literature consists of encyclopedic dictionaries, dictionaries of legal abbreviations and legal terminology, legal encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, terminological dictionaries, language dictionaries. Dictionary of, bibliographies on various branches of law. The whole collection of reference materials is highly specialized, legal nature.
The library catalog is being "Fund completed requests", which are represented as reference lists, and answers to factual queries and thematic. In the catalog there are about 60 completed requests on such topics as:
The Bar. Lawyer
administrative supervision
Joint-stock company
Lohn (tolling)
Limitation (United Kingdom, Sweden. The Netherlands, USA)
Licensing Legal Profession (UK, USA, Germany, France, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland)
International Criminal Court
Organized crime
The library works in the form of a reading room.
The first time the reader can use the library services, not making out a library card to work in the library in the future it is necessary to draw the reader's ticket. To obtain a library card requires a photo and pay 20% of the baseline value for pupils, students, pensioners and 50% of the base value for all others. reader's ticket is issued for one year.
Members of the Union of Lawyers shall have the right to use the services of the library, not making out library card, membership card on the basis of the Union of Lawyers. The cost of the library for their paid services at half the price.