The opportunity to conclude MTPL contracts in electronic form (hereinafter - e-CTP) came from citizens on July 1 last year, and legal entities - from July 1 this year. According to RSA, today concluded about 300 thousand. Electronic contracts, representing approximately 0.5% of all contracts of CTP. The most popular they are in those problem areas where insurers withdraw from the market due to the high loss ratio of this type of insurance, leaving acquire paper policies virtually impossible (Krasnodar, Volgograd, Rostov, Ivanovo Region, Republic of Bashkortostan).
While the design of electronic policies on a voluntary basis, and currently only 17 of the 70 insurance companies licensed to carry out civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, provided for customers such an option (see the list of the insurance companies can be on the official website of the PCA). However, since January 1, 2017 the conclusion of electronic contracts will be the responsibility of the MTPL insurance - any person can file a complaint with any insurance company which is engaged in CTP .
Theoretically, after the introduction of such a duty for all insurance companies the number of e-policies should be increased. However, insurers are not only not predict significant growth in the share of e-CTP, but, on the contrary, suggest that some market participants refuse this type of insurance at all. Problems that occur after the introduction of obligations to conclude MTPL contracts in electronic form have been discussed, including in the framework of an organized forum of the Institute of the Internet "Internet + Finance", held on 21 of September. Let's see how this innovation is useful for drivers and how it will affect the activities of insurers.
Expected problems
Under the new rules, insurers will be required to enter into electronic MTPL contracts throughout the country, regardless of the fact whether they have branches in the region of policyholders living. In this connection, will need to think about how to properly secure the settlement of losses in the case where, for example, the insured from Vladivostok enters into a contract CTP in electronic form with the insurer from Kaliningrad, do not have a branch in Vladivostok, said Head of the RSA security methodology Mikhail Porvatov.
Current legislation requires insurers representation on the settlement of losses in each subject of the Russian Federation (p. 1, Art. 21 of the law on compulsory motor TPL). Small insurance companies meet this requirement by concluding agency agreements on representation in regions with major insurers that have branches all over the country. However, this representation of the Institute model assumes that the representative of the insurer will settle the loss only in those areas where the latter does not sell policies. In the regions, where sales are conducted, the insurer is obliged to have their offices on the settlement of losses, the expert said. Therefore, the introduction of sales policies on the entire territory of Russia (namely, it means e-CTP) will lead the reform of the institute of representation of insurance companies.
Settlement loss - a set of the insurer's actions to address victims' claims for payment of insurance compensation, carried out in order to determine the legality of the claimant, the amount of insurance compensation and the fulfillment of obligations on payment of insurance compensation or the direction of a reasoned refusal in accordance with the requirements of the law (Article 1.1 of the Rules of settlement of losses by insurance. organizations - members of the PCA on MTPL contracts, approved by the decree of the Presidium of the SAR on October 8, 2009 ? 4)..
Still can not find the solution one of the most important problems in the field of e-CTP - the lack of information exchange between the authorities, insurers and the PCA. Introduction of electronic insurance policies was intended to simplify the procedure for their preparation, which is why insurers freed from the need to submit to the insurer a passport or a certificate of registration of the organization (if the insurer - a legal entity), the document is the vehicle registration, driver's license and diagnostic card, or a copy of these documents. It is assumed that the information contained in such documents information, insurers are prepared by exchange of information in electronic form with the relevant authorities and organizations (para. 4, Art. 15 of the law on compulsory motor TPL).
Thus, the legislation provides that the number of ministries and departments, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Tax Service of Russia are obliged on request SAR to submit information for inclusion in the automated information system of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles, known as AIS CTP or AIS SAR (n. 2 of Resolution RF Government of September 14, 2005 ? 567). The interaction between the authorities, the PCA and its members carried out using SMEV - a unified system of interagency electronic interaction (paragraph 2.2 of this decision.).
However, as reported by Michael Porvatov, in practice, such communication has not yet been organized, although the PCA repeatedly sent to the Office an application for access to their services. The lack of interaction leads to the fact that insurers can not guarantee the accuracy of these insurers in the statements on the conclusion of the contract CTP data in electronic form (no typos in the presentation of information and deliberate distortion). Accordingly, it is impossible to ensure the purity contained in the CTP AIS information, as they are making directly in the insurance companies.