

With Help From VoIP Providers Chicago Businesses Can Save More Than They Think

By Rebecca Perry

Some of the main characteristics of the modern business environment are cut throat competition, unstable markets, increasingly sophisticated and demanding consumers and the need for remaining on the cutting edge of technology. Above all, businesses need to be able to communicate quickly and efficiently in order to survive. By making use of VoIP providers Chicago businesses can indeed remain on the cutting edge of communications technology.

Ever since it first became available internet systems have become extremely popular and the number of clients that move to these systems grow all the time. They simply outshine traditional systems when it comes to efficiency. Not only are these systems very affordable, but they also offer very useful management tools that can help users to increase their productivity and to enhance their service levels. Businesses of any size can benefit from moving to this technology.

Companies normally move to internet based systems because they want to save on their communication bills. Indeed, some companies have even reported savings as high as fifty per cent of their previous bills but this is just the tip of the savings iceberg. Savings are also achieved through increased productivity, which leads to better profit margins and higher levels of client satisfaction.

One of the most important drawbacks of traditional telephone systems is that users of the systems can only use it when they are physically at their desks. Once they have to leave the office, they are out of reach. This can cause frustration with customers, colleagues and suppliers alike. This is not the case with internet based systems. Users can be reached anywhere and the can call from anywhere. There is never a need to miss important calls or to be out of reach.

Employees are particularly pleased with the fact that they can use the device of their choice to access the system. They can even use more than one device, including smart phones, laptops and tablets. What is more, the software managing the system will make sure that the communication records of all users are continually updated on all his devices. These records can therefore be accessed and manipulated with whatever device is available.

Users of PABX have become accustomed to features such as voice mail, call holding and forwarding. Internet systems certainly offer these features but take productivity a step further with advanced voice to mail, mail to fax, fax to mail and conference features. Calls can even be transferred to users at sites and branches in other geographic areas. All these features contribute towards efficiency.

While traditional systems require an installation at every branch and site, internet systems require only one central installation. This has a significant influence on the cost of maintenance and the need to employ telephone operators at every site and branch. In addition, the software necessary to drive the system is hosted by the service provider. Clients are therefore not responsible for maintenance or upgrades. All these benefits add up to more savings.

The future has already arrived, at least when it comes to communications systems. There will no doubt be even more exciting technology becoming available in the years to come. No doubt, however that internet communication is more efficient and much cheaper than older systems.

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