

With Early SAT Prep Palm Beach Students Can Expect Better Results

By Anna Gibson

College admission tests have become something of a legendary event. Students prepare for these tests years in advance, knowing that the results will play an important role in their futures. Getting a place at a top notch college depends to a large degree on the test results. That is why schools, students and parents all urge their charges to prepare thoroughly an ahead of time. With early SAT prep Palm Beach students stand a better chance of winning coveted places at the colleges of their choice.

Sitting for these tests is not compulsory and not all colleges demand tests results for admission purposes. The fact remains, however, that all the top colleges do. Students that dream about a place at any of the ivy league institutions know that they not only have to sit for the tests but they have to obtain high scores. A place at one of these colleges can secure the future of successful candidates.

As important as the tests scores are, they are not the only consideration when colleges award places to new students. Most colleges require students that can prove that they have had a balanced education. This include participation is sport, cultural activities and charity work. The academic results of students of a longer period is also taken into consideration because colleges want to see if applicants are consistent in their achievements.

Many people think that only very bright students are able to score well in these tests. They are wrong. The purpose of these tests is not to test the aptitude, intelligence or general knowledge of the learners. Rather, the purpose is to test proficiency in mathematics, critical reading and writing. This is because these areas are considered to be critical for success in an institute of higher learning.

The copyright and ownership of these tests reside with the College Board, which is a United States non profit organization. The tests are also used in countries other than the United States. Apart from the college admission tests, the board also offer twenty other tests that are subject specific. Many students sit for some of these tests as well because good scores will further enhance their college applications.

Traditionally, students sit for the tests during their last year at school. Nothing stops a student in his junior year, however, to also opt for the test. Many do just this, for two very good reasons. Firstly, if they are not over the moon with their scores they can always try the test again the next year. Secondly, sitting for the test during the junior year can serve as a valuable test run.

When preparing for the tests, students have their choice of numerous study guides, courses, online tutoring, books and professionals offering individual coaching. The College Board is of the opinion, however, that none of these are necessary and that the official guidelines published by themselves are sufficient. When buying study aids, care should be taken that it is from a reputable source.

Students that desire a place at a top college will be well advised to start preparing for the admission tests as early as they can. High scores do not guarantee admission, but they can be a deciding factor. Top colleges want their students to be an asset to them and they want them to succeed.

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