The court with the bank loan (as any other civil court) takes place in two stages: first a preliminary hearing, then the main. In this case in the main proceedings can take place several court sessions. More specifically, the meeting can be transported, if not complied with all the conditions for starting the process. Thus, you or your lawyer will need the credit to go to the court 3-4 times or more. The duration of each session depends on many factors and can vary over a very wide range - from 10-20 minutes to several hours.
So, the first meeting with the judge at the preliminary hearing takes place. Date and time of the beginning of the meeting shall be specified in the summons received by you; the date and time can be specified on the website of the court. Basically, on a preliminary hearing on credit cases can come "empty-handed", without any pre-prepared documents. Afraid of a preliminary hearing is not necessary because there are no major decisions are not taken. In fact, a simple man (not a lawyer) from the preliminary hearing may make only one - on what day and time will be assigned to the main hearing.
The main hearing is significantly different from the pre-both from a legal and from a worldly point of view. Firstly, you can not come "empty-handed", this step is required to prepare an objection to the claim of the bank requirements. Simply put, you have to write legal language, why the bank is wrong, and what you want from the judge. Yet, as a rule, you need to make a detailed table with your version of the calculation of the remaining debt, which corresponds to the law, and you are willing to pay. If for some reason you have not prepared such documents (or prepared them wrong), you can assume that the court lost.
Second, in the main court hearing on the non-payment of the loan you will have to answer "tricky" questions of lawyers of the bank and possibly judge. It is important to remember that into account when it will be accepted only the answers are based on the letter of the law, but not on domestic considerations. Stories about the hard life situation, not supported by legal arguments, often cause a negative reaction on the part of the judge. If a person is trying to soften every day for many years - believe me, sooner or later it starts to irritate him.
Third, the result of the main proceedings is a final decision, binding on all parties. In other words, after a few sessions judge says that a citizen Ivanov to pay the bank "Hrenobank" one million rubles (or three million, if a citizen Ivanov failed to properly protect their interests). And if the debtor does not comply with this decision voluntarily, the money will have to beat the bailiffs. Unlike banks and collectors, bailiffs have have all the necessary tools to not only ruin your life, but at the same time and get the full amount specified in the court decision.
Remember that the court's decision depends entirely on how well the documents will be available on your part and as a clear case you (or your lawyer) will pick up during the meeting. If you do not have legal training, we strongly recommend that you do not even try to do it all on their own. Against you perform specialized bank lawyers who every day are judged in such cases and can easily "knock down" your reference to the credit agreement and the laws. If you do not agree with the bank's requirements, and really want to challenge them, you will inevitably need to contact a lawyer for help in the court of the loan.