Income Tax Return for housing purchased in the mortgage can be the person who officially work legally and receive wages. If a person works for several official papers, he is entitled to the return of income tax for all places of employment.
It should be noted that this possibility deprived of private entrepreneurs and non-working pensioners. The size of the return of income tax is calculated based on the cost of purchased residential facility and the amount of interest paid under the mortgage agreement with the bank.
This income tax return is possible with only 2 million rubles. This means that if your home is more expensive income tax of 13% will be credited with the amount of 2 million rubles. It is worth noting that the amount of interest for the deduction is not limited.
In order to receive a refund of income tax must be submitted to the tax authorities the appropriate application with the documents, which confirm ownership of the purchased housing, payment checks and receipts, and the mortgage contract.
Your application to the tax authorities should be examined within three months. In the event of a positive review, income tax refund will be credited to your bank account.