

Reality On Disabled Veteran Farm Loans

By Nancy Taylor

Agriculture has always been a very paramount sector to America. Having been done by those in the rural areas and almost 44% of those in the military coming from the countryside, it is evident that there is a direct link to them with Farming; hence, their accessibility to these disabled veteran farm loans.

Most of these military recruits opt to spend their last parts of their lives in reticent environments thus most of them prefer going back to their rural areas where they can be able to do farming. It is due to this that the government and the Farming Service Agency came up with unique programs that will aid these new farmers in the form of loans as a show of appreciation.

Being in the line of duty may have different implications for the soldiers. There are those who end up being physically challenged yet others are lucky enough to retire with no disability. FSA, therefore, has special treatment for the disabled retired recruits since to them farming will be a hard task as compared to their counterparts who have no disabilities.

There was a need to ensure that the loans given were serving the intended purpose. This was enhanced by FSA setting up the strict measure that must be met for one to be able to get this loan. Moreover, the measures were kept in place to ensure that they can keep up with the new farming methods being used in the present days.

One of these requirements is having a three-year experience. This was imposed to ensure that these physically challenged farmers can know the basics of farming. It is also important as it equips these new farmers with the current methods of farming that make one able to cope up with new farming methods. This is important mainly for the farmers who were doing farming before joining the military.

Apart from the farming experience, one is required to have a piece of land where they are going to undertake the farming. FSA set up that for those who have 30% to 50% disability have 30 acres of land before being legible for these loans. This enables them to undertake large-scale farming which is more profitable.

This move by FSA and the government has been very helpful to these military having served in the army diligently. It has shown them how much they are appreciated for their services in the military. It has given most of them hope by serving as their source of livelihood especially to those with financial challenges.

Not all citizens are in support of this project. Most of them arguing that the tax payers money which is the source of loan money given to these new farmers is not used. These farmers have little experience that can assure them of profits from their farming enterprises.

Still there is the argument of these loans serving specific groups. For the retired military personnel who do not have sufficient energy to undertake farming due to old age, their chances of accessing these funds are minimal. Furthermore, nothing like this has been done to assist other retired military recruits who have other passions other than farming.

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