

Veterans Land Loans Have Proven To Be Very Useful Many Times Over

By Michelle Stevens

Owning your own piece of property is something that many Americans dream of but seldom acquire. But some people deserve this dream more than others, and those people are the army veterans who have defended home and country at the risk of their lives. Therefore there is now a tailor made loan program for them, namely the option of taking advantage of Veterans land loans.

When purchasing a new house, many individuals have to complete the daunting task of applying for a bond from their bank. Even though they meet all the criteria for the loan the bank often rejects it on their very strict rules or regulations. This will no longer be the case if you meet the criteria for s property loan program.

That sort of lending is a lot more lenient when it comes to the qualification and application of starter or extended loans for housing, renovations, farming and property loans. This is a result of the understanding of the sacrifice of the previous war veterans for the USA. The dedication shown by the war veteran is what drives the program to succeed, as it has been shown that that equivalent commitment is applied when the payments are due.

The application for your new property's financing procedure is one that is very simple to undergo. The veteran has to provide papers that they were previous in the US army in between the years of 1950 and 1975. They will also need to provide their green card. The application can be made at any postal chain store at the utilities counter.

If the application is successful and the applicant fits all the above requirements, the applicant will be allowed to apply for a specific amount. Due to the custom made design of this program the applicant will often get a much larger sum of money than expected out of this incredible property loan. This will certainly help to cover lawyer or moving costs, and help you on your way to a farming venture, perhaps.

The loan will be given at an interest rate of prime minus 2%. An interest rate that is impossible to improve. The veteran can chose the length of time they would like to take to pay off the loan, and the time period will also be determined by the applicants age as well as health status. The tests to determine your health will be on the account of the lenders and credit providers.

In the case that the applicant is over 65 years of age there is a clause that states the loan needs to be added to their final will and testament. If the loan is paid up in full before the applicant passes then this clause will fall away. Alternatively the loan repayment amount will be passed onto the applicant's closest family member.

There is no other option for vets available like this on the market at the moment, because it caters for such a specific need. If an individual can find another institution that will offer them a better rate than the Veteran land loan there is a clause that you do not have to pay your loan for the first year after signing up.

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