

3 simple reasons why unpopular mortgages

Consumer credit is the most popular form of lending to date. And the most lagging loan is a mortgage on which there are a number of objective reasons.

Now gradually increased as the volume of retail loans as well as the number of banks in this segment, although compared to the corporate segment, they remain much lower.

And there are several reasons. First - because historically, each credit segment and the inherent repeatability of certain cyclical. Since the risks for both banks and borrowers in this regard the maximum, it is restored to the last turn. As the solvency of borrowers on the mortgage, taking into account the present-day real estate prices and mortgage interest rates, is much lower than, for instance on consumer credit.

The second reason. The bulk of the banks in our market does not have the resources to rebuild a large mortgage lending on such a long period of time.

And the third reason - is that after the events of 2008-2009, not every borrower is ready to take on yourself and your family a mortgage on which will have to pay up to 60% - 70% of their household income each month. For this, both banks and borrowers are trying to soberly assess their capabilities and risks that are associated with the mortgage, because such thoughtless lending at a constant growth of the entire real estate prices does not justify itself.

We now know that the total volume of new loans, which are provided to the population, are growing every month

Although the mortgage market such an increase does not apply, the first thing it comes to auto loans and consumer loans.

Given this growth in lending Ukrainian population already issued loans by almost 20 tips. hryvnia. and it is only in the first quarter.

According to the latest National Bank lending in Ukraine is gaining enormous momentum, as in January, banks issued to the population 4.8 bln. UAH. Credit, and in February, this figure increased by 12% and amounted to 5.4 bln. UAH., In March, this figure reached 8.7 bln. UAH. But in spite of this the share of mortgage loans for the purchase of real estate in the amount ranging from 2.5% to 5%. A major part of this scrip issued by the public mainly for the purchase of everyday consumer goods, consumer, auto and cash loans. repayment schemes.

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