

On the work of compulsory medical insurance fund unit will spend 115 million rubles in 2017

In the Saratov Regional Duma discussed the draft law on Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund Budget for 2017 and the planning period of 2018-2019 years. Revenues and expenditures of the treasury will make 23.255 billion rubles. This was at a meeting of the regional parliament, said the head of Andrei TFOMS Sauhin. According to him, for the year revenues increase by 5.6%. So, at the expense of federal subsidies will be received 1.247 billion rubles. On the activities of the fund unit will send 115 million rubles.

Recall that in the budget for 2017 by almost 10 billion rubles will send for compulsory health insurance of unemployed population. As a result, the bill was passed in two readings.

Another issue discussed by deputies, touched checks HBC and condominiums within the housing and municipal control. Addressing the gathering, the deputy head of Saratov on Urban Affairs Sergey Pilipenko offered to lift restrictions on these audits. Innovation, according to the authors of the bill, are necessary for a more expeditious consideration of citizens' appeals.

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