

Life insurance rushed in

the Russian financial market, which, together with the whole economy is in obvious crisis, this year suddenly discovered a segment leader, who showed tremendous growth. They turned out to be life insurance. Judging by the numbers, this trend in our country is growing faster than all the world markets in this sector. Experts attribute this not only to the fact that sales to the policies actively involved banks, but also the beginning of the last changes in the attitude of Russians to the values of life and health. The cause of these mental changes, oddly enough, it was the crisis.

On the market trends of the regions reporters recently told a seminar in Moscow on "Insurance in the media mirror More life -. 2016", organized by the Association of Life Insurers (HOAs) and the All-Russian Insurance Association (ARIA).

Preliminary results of the domestic life insurance market development in the first nine months of 2016, which promulgated HOAs together with BCC, indicate fold increase. The studies were collected and analyzed data on the premium collection and payment of the 22 member companies and HOAs BCC, representing a total of more than 98 percent of the life insurance market.

The total amount of insurance premiums for the first nine months of this year increased compared to the same period in 2015 by 75.4 percent and amounted to 171 billion rubles. Moreover, only one third quarter of our fellow citizens bought the policies at 65 billion rubles. "This is a huge increase and it is happening against a background of stagnating financial market in Russia." - Said the president of HOAs, the head of JSC "Insurance company MetLife" Alexander Zaretsky.

Collection of premiums for other personal insurance reached 24 billion rubles against 10 billion rubles in the first nine months of last year. The total amount of insurance payments for three quarters of this year also increased - by 46.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, up to the amount of 26.45 billion rubles. life insurance payments increased by 33 percent and amounted to 20 billion rubles. "Thus, life insurance now - the fastest growing segment and in insurance, and in general in the financial market of the country", - concluded Zaretsky.

The main driver of this dynamic was the investment life insurance (COLI). Booming demand for such policies, experts explain, including the fact that the rates on deposits in domestic banks fell, investors began to look for an alternative to their investments and invest the money in the COLI. In the future, this rate is not guaranteed, especially if credit institutions again become actively develop the segment of deposits or if tougher regulation. However, since the lion's share of the population has no plans to take out loans in the near future, banks are unlikely to lose interest in the sale of COLI policies.

In the Saratov region, according to the director of the Saratov agency insurance company "Renaissance Life" Tatyana Ushakova, in 2013 the total fees on life insurance amounted to 1 billion 36 million rubles, in 2014 - 1 billion 437 million (38.7 percent), 2015 - 1 billion 238 million rubles (-13.88 per cent). At the end of the 1st half of 2016 life insurance premiums in the region have collected 732 million rubles, which is 16.5 percent more than in the first half of 2015.

According to the CBR, in 2013, was concluded 31 thousand 841 in 2014, in the Saratov region of life insurance contracts -. 33 thousand 715 in 2015-m. - 32 thousand 870 contracts.. "In general, the dynamics in the number of contracts repeats dynamics of charges: increase in 2014 and a small downward correction in 2015," - says Tatiana Ushakova.

"Saratov region - a vivid reflection of the situation in the Russian insurance - said our newspaper, the official representative of the company" Alpha Insurance "Yuri Nekhaychuk - Here the situation is exactly the same as in the whole country:. Decrease in new car sales led to a slight reduction of interest in the hull, but residents of Saratov region is still very interested in the preservation of property, health and their loved ones in the accident insurance. Actively developing and investment life insurance. "

"The replacement of the insurance of credit borrowers cumulative and investment insurance programs means improving the quality of development of the industry - sure Tatyana Ushakova -. After all, if in the first case it is usually a question of imputed services that are in addition to the loan, in the second case there is a conscious appeal person for life insurance as a separate product. "

"It is in the segment, which employs our company - a long-term life insurance, we see that the interest of the population of the Saratov region is growing. Our fees in 2015 were rooted to nine percent - said" Newspaper Our Version "Sales Director of the company," the PPF Life Insurance " Stefan Vanchek -. In the segment of classic life insurance leads long-term savings insurance, which allows people to protect themselves from the risks associated with the loss of health and accidents, while allowing to save money in the future when people feel insecurity, they are looking for tools that can help. reduce threats and risks for themselves. it is for this and need long term care insurance products. "

"The reasons for the industry's growth is partly laid just in a difficult macroeconomic situation in the country - agrees Tatiana Ushakova -. While credit insurance faded into the background, the new drivers become long-term products of investment and savings insurance This is largely due to the fact. . that in terms of economic instability citizens feel particularly shortage of reliable methods of capital investments and protection against risks Firstly, the changing priorities of the middle class -. with consumer focus has shifted to the conservation and protection of personal capital Second, transforming the behavior of private investors - instead of return with high risk to the fore the reliability and investment protection in the third, unstable period is increasing the value of risk protection -. this also applies to health, and accidents An additional incentive for the industry was the introduction from the beginning of 2015 tax deductions under the contracts. life insurance, concluded for a term of five years. "

Another trend of the last time, this time negative, - activation of scams in personal insurance. If before on various "legal" and unscrupulous figures (which often act as a part of organized criminal groups) complained only companies that sell motor types of insurance (MTPL and CASCO), now taint of fraud are increasingly began to spread to other segments of the insurance market. Ways in which scam artists are trying to heat up the insurance business, more and more. Sometimes they draw up policies for several different companies, then "arrange" an accident as a concussion or bone fracture, and require payment. This sometimes manage to submit the same x-ray image in different episodes, changing only the name of the victim. From such schemes suffer not only insurance companies but ultimately honest consumers, since all costs, expenses and losses of the business has to lay in tariffs on policies.

In Saratov, life insurers also experienced outright fraud. "In 2014 there was an incident that caused a resonance in the region. 26-year-old resident of Saratov devised a plan to commit a hard and cynical crime. Together with two accomplices, he was planning to get from the company" Renaissance Life "insurance compensation in the amount of 9.892 million 660 rubles, adjust the traffic accident in which was killed unsuspecting insured - says Tatiana Ushakova -. Fortunately, to implement its plan to the organizer could not, his criminal activity was foiled As a result, the court sentenced the offender to seven years of imprisonment. punishment in the colony. "

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