

Remove Autorun.inf Virus Using Winrar

Autorun.inf is a virus that infects hard drive or usb drive. This gets into usb mostly, when you plug-in usb at public places like school or colleges etc and after that it infects pc if you don’t have any antivirus or firewall installed into your pc or if its (antivirus or firewall) not updated. When your pc is infected with Autorun.inf virus, you can’t access drive comletely and when you double click on drive it opened into new window. This virus also hide files in the drive and you can’t see those files even you have enabled “show hidden files” under Folder Options. So to solve this problem you can use winrar…
 Winrar allow you to remove the Autorun.inf virus and it also shows hidden files. To remove this virus using winrar, follow the steps given below:
  • Firs of all you need to close the window of that specific drive
  • Now open winrar.exe
  • Here browse any drive that is infected
  • In that drive you will see all hidden files and Autorun.inf
  • Open Autorun.inf in notepad 
  • In this you’ll see some .EXE file. This is the file that executes along with the Autorun.inf
  • Now close notepad and delete Autorun.inf along with .EXE file that were written in notepad form winrar.
  • After this restart pc, Now your pc is free from Autorun.inf Virus.
Repeat this process for other drives and if your Usb or Pendrives are infected with Autorun.inf virus.

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